A canceled congress is also a congress
By choosing Dubai to host WLIC 2024, IFLA sparked a debate about Dubai's relationship with human rights. In the end it was too much for an emirate that wants to appear modern – and the offer to stand behind the conference was withdrawn.
17 okt 2023 • 14 min
Will reveal size of Leitner’s golden parachute – if he is elected president of Ifla
For the first time an Ifla representative directly involved in last years turbulence has agreed to answer Biblioteksbladet’s questions. Hans Ulrich ”Halo” Locher apologizes for the lack of transparency and promises to make secret compensations and golden parachutes public – should he be elected as president of Ifla.
5 apr 2023 • 4 min
ESSAY: Librarians have responsibilities in these times
Global tensions with war, economic instability, climate threats – in addition to internal challenges. But a historical review shows that even in past crises IFLA has managed to maintain free research and truth, as well as access to information and freedom of expression, writes former IFLA president Alex Byrne.
28 nov 2022 • 7 min
Fear. Illness. Silence.
REPORTAGE What is happening within IFLA? In search of answers, journalist Lisa Bjurwald travelled to The Hague, where IFLA’s headquarters are located. She found a culture of silence and an organisation that lacks confidence in its leaders.
28 nov 2022 • 13 min
Closed doors damage trust
SURVEY Limited transparency and poor communication. Biblioteksbladet’s survey shows that the turbulence is raising questions among IFLA members in Sweden.
28 nov 2022 • 5 min
Out of Step with the Times
There was also testimony of an outdated leadership style in his previous place of work. Nevertheless, Gerald Leitner was given the task of modernising the global library sector.
27 nov 2022 • 3 min
The Whistleblower
Suzanne Reid was an employee representative at IFLA headquarters. She has since changed careers and recovered from the experience. IFLA she feels, however, is beyond rescue.
27 nov 2022 • 6 min
IFLA needs to change
CHRONICLE Karin Linder, secretary general, Swedish Library Association: Why is the Swedish Library Association fighting with IFLA? The answers are rooted in the principles of democracy and responsibility.
25 nov 2022 • 2 min
Empty words about freedom of speech – many expect more from Ifla
EDITORIAL The removal of a leading person will hardly be enough. It will probably take significantly more if IFLA is to recover.
24 nov 2022 • 2 min
Ledarsida klipper och klistrar
Stök på bibliotek illustreras med gamla exempel. Men den som vill diskutera biblioteken ska nog prata mindre om poliser och utvisningar och mer om pengar, skriver Thord Eriksson.
Läromedelsförfattarnas analys brister
Begagnatmarknaden bär inte skulden för krisen för svensk kurslitteratur. Läromedelsförlagen måste erbjuda en bra betallösning för e-böcker, skriver Lars Iselid, och kallar Läromedelsförfattarnas fem förslag för konstgjord andning.
”Det bästa stället som finns för oss papperslösa”
Liam, Saida, Josef och Sahar är, eller har varit, papperslösa. Här berättar de vad biblioteken betyder för dem.